E-mobility at Messe München: Recharge your EV for free

Messe München is promoting electromobility: From now on, as our guests and customers, you can conveniently refuel your electric vehicle (EV) at our exhibition center free of charge—with green electricity from the trade fair's own photovoltaic system.

We promote e-mobility!

As our guest and customer, you can conveniently refuel your electric vehicle (EV) at our exhibition center free of charge—with green electricity from the trade fair's own photovoltaic system. More than 80 charging stations and a "supercharger" are deployed throughout the entire exhibition site. With this endeavor, we are reaffirming our commitment to environmental protection and sustainability as part of our corporate social responsibility.

Free plug-in during the day, drive home with a full battery in the evening

You are entering the premises of the Messe München exhibition facility, your appointment is to start shortly. The battery level of your EV is already a bit critical. Without hesitation, you park your car next to a charging station, plug it in and go on to meet your appointments. When you return to the parking lot a few hours later, the battery will be back to full power, saving you the detour to the EV charging station. Great! You can head straight home and call it a day!

Promoting e-mobility, using natural resources and avoiding emissions: these are the goals that we at Messe München are espousing. And we want to offer excellent and innovative customer services. That is why, starting in 2018, you will find modern charging stations on the Messe München exhibition grounds: The charging stations and the supercharger, a fast-charging station, supply the electric vehicles of our visitors and exhibitors with free electricity from our own solar collection system.

Charging stations at the Munich Exhibition Center

An integrated concept throughout the entire site

This is where to find the charging stations:

  • in the Parking Garage West (80 charging stations),
  • at the Trade Fair Administration Building (12 charging stations)
  • as well as at various points throughout the exhibition center

The supercharger, which enables really fast power charging, is located at the ICM – International Congress Center Messe München.

In addition to permanently installed charging stations, quite a number of mobile units will also be deployed, for flexible use where needed in order to provide a full-coverage charging infrastructure at Messe München.

Mobil Phone Screen: © designed by Freepik.

E-mobility at Messe München: Recharge your EV for free! | Mobil Phone Screen: © designed by Freepik.
E-mobility at Messe München: Recharge your EV for free! | Mobil Phone Screen: © designed by Freepik.

How to use the charging stations

  • Activating the charging stations for free EV power occurs by chip / transponder card.
  • “Parkhaus West” parking garage charging stations: only accessible when the parking garage is open for an event. The charging units are located on level U1.
  • Charging is generally free (parking fees in the parking garage must be paid).
  • The charging stations cannot be reserved in advance.

To obtain access to the supercharger at the ICM, you need to first register at the Business Center:

During events, access to the charging stations at the Parking Garage West is in accordance with the opening hours of the parking facility.

The free refuelling of electric vehicles step by step