Press release

Messe München CEO Stefan Rummel elected to the UFI Board of Directors

October 26, 2023

  • New Board will be presented at UFI’s annual General Assembly in Las Vegas
  • „Working to shape the global trade fair industry of the future“
  • 3-year mandate will begin November 1st, 2023

Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München, has been elected to serve on the Board of Directors at UFI, The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry. UFI thus confirmed Stefan Rummel in this position, which he has since July of 2022. The 3-year mandate of the new Board of Directors will begin November 1st, 2023. On that day the new Board will be presented at UFI’s annual General Assembly in Las Vegas. Stefan Rummel and Reinhard Pfeiffer were appointed as co-heads of Messe München in 2022, both executives oversee the business operations of Messe München as sole and equal Managing Directors.

„I would like to thank UFI for the trust they have placed in me by electing me to the Board of Directors and am looking forward to continue to work together with colleagues from all over the world to shape the global trade fair industry of the future“, says Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München.

UFI represents 50,000 exhibition industry employees globally

UFI is the global trade association of the world’s tradeshow organisers and exhibition centre operators, as well as the major national and international exhibition associations, and selected partners of the exhibition industry. UFI’s main goal is to represent, promote and support the business interests of its members and the exhibition industry. UFI directly represents more than 50,000 exhibition industry employees globally. More than 820 member organisations in 85+ countries around the world are presently signed up as members.

The UFI Board of Directors is comprised of a maximum of 60 members and elections take place every three years. The Board of Directors, to which Stefan Rummel was elected to, is tasked with implementing decisions taken by the General Assembly, developing UFI policy and preparing all proposals related to matters affecting international trade fairs, which are submitted to vote to UFI members at the annual General Assembly.

“I am very pleased to thank all newly elected and re-elected Board members to the UFI Board. I am constantly proud that we have so many enthusiastic members who wish to contribute to our industry. It's such an exciting time to be making such a contribution as we regrow and restart our shows around the world. I wish to say a big, personal THANK YOU!” says Michael Duck, UFI President and Informa Markets, EVP Commercial Development.

Messe München-CEO Stefan Rummel elected to the UFI Board of Directors
Messe München-CEO Stefan Rummel elected to the UFI Board of Directors
Messe München-CEO Stefan Rummel elected to the UFI Board of Directors