Press release

Spring kicks off with a trio of trade fairs: a strong year for Messe München with around 90 guest events

March 11, 2022

An important economic factor for Messe München and the location in and around Munich has for many years now been the numerous guest events. This year, around 90 guest events are planned in the Messe München halls, the ICM – International Congress Center München, the MOC Eventcenter München and the Conference Center North München. They will kick off in March with a trio of trade fairs—Mack-Brooks Exhibitions, one of our most important regulars at guest trade fairs. ICE Europe, CCE International and InPrint Munich will be held by the British guest organizer for the processing, paper and printing industry at the exhibition center in Riem from March 15 to 17, 2022 – in parallel and face-to-face.

The past months have shown that Messe München and its guest organizers can run successful and safe in-person trade fairs. Messe München therefore looks ahead with confidence to the coming months that will focus on trade fairs in its home market and the guest events being held on site.

Strong interest in in-person business

The reception by exhibitors confirms this positive outlook for the fiscal year that has just begun. At the three Mack-Brooks trade fairs, a total of around 460 international companies will be presenting their latest machines, components and services for optimizing production processes or product features. Trade visitors will have access to trade fair stands across 13,000 square meters of exhibition space.

“We can’t wait to finally welcome our exhibitors and visitors back to the trade fairs,” says Patrick Herman, Event Director of Converting, Paper and Print Events, on behalf of the organizer Mack-Brooks Exhibitions. “We will make sure that this event is held safely and responsibly so that it becomes a successful milestone for all trade fair participants and teams.”

A safe trade fair experience

The current easing of COVID-19 and travel restrictions in many European countries sends a positive signal for the guest organizers for face-to-face business and networking at the highest level as a live format.

All three events in March comply with an elaborate catalog of measures to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved. Over the last few months, Mack-Brooks Exhibitions and Messe München as event partners have impressively demonstrated on numerous occasions that they can hold major events on a COVID-safe basis, as with the November edition of inter airport Europe, for example, an international trade fair with more than 10,000 participants.

Another highlight among the guest events will be EuroMedLab in April. The top-class congress is regarded as an important meeting point for clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. Visitors include private and public laboratories, biologists, technicians, engineers, and students.

Euromedlab Munich 2021

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Stephanie Schuler
  • Corporate Brand Manager