BrandBooster Video Production

Production of high-quality videos of your tradeshow presence, ready to be published.

Increase your presence with BRAND BOOSTER!

We stage your tradesshow appearance by offering: production, editing and scoring of your clip onsite. You receive the final video the next day.

Target: increasing your brand’s reach, visibility and brand recall, during and after the tradeshow!

And why to invest in video content?

• It’s definitely the most important driver in B2B communication: Online video is more effective than any other form of content

• 75% of B2B executives watch work-related videos on business-related websites at least weekly

• Social video generates 12 times the shares than text and images combined

Availability & Services

Services offered by BrandBooster Video Production

BrandBooster Video Production is available at the following locations

  • Trade Fair Center Messe München

Advice & Contact

Contact the service partner to find out more about the services offered:
Services on site
Services for Exhibitors
Further Information